Whether you are an amateur or a pro player, you can benefit from League of Legends coaching. The internet is flooded with resources to help you improve your game, but it can be tough to find the right coach for you. Here are some tips on how to find a good coach.
To find the right coach, you should look at their background. They should have a strong resume, experience in the competitive scene, and a high ranking. They should also be able to communicate effectively with your players. They should set goals for your players and provide constructive feedback. They should also be knowledgeable about the game’s meta and have experience with drafting and team composition. They should also be able to deal with discipline issues.
You should also find out what their coaching packages include. Some of them offer free coaching and some will charge. They can also offer one-on-one or group sessions. If you decide to pay, you can expect a one-hour session that begins with a reflex test, a live game review, and advanced analysis of your game. In addition, they can help you with creep score, jungler builds, and other things that will improve your ELO.
You can find out more about League of Legends coaching through websites and job platforms like Linkedin and Fiverr. You can also search for coaches by timezone. You can also talk to them through a chat feature. It’s a good idea to find a professional that you trust.
Some coaches also have their own YouTube channels. You can watch their streams to get a better idea of what they’re like. You can also check out the reviews that other customers have written. They might also offer trial sessions so that check my blog you can try their services before you buy.
You can also find League of Legends coaches through job platforms like Gamer Sensei. They have a platform where you can find professional coaches from around the world. Those coaches are former esports pros who have years of experience in the game. They also have detailed bios and coaching history. They can also help you raise your ELO and find new ways to play. They can also analyze your gameplay and suggest areas that need improvement.
You can also find a coach on a website like eGG-one school. They have put together the top coaches and offer private lessons. You can also get League of Legends coaching on their Discord channel. They have a YouTube channel and a website where you can find courses.
If you’re looking for a League of Legends coach, it’s important to hire a coach who is trustworthy and who has experience in the competitive scene. Some pro players aren’t willing to listen to their advice. You also need to be sure that the coach can provide moral support for you.
League of Legends coaching can improve your game and allow you to reach the top of the rankings. It can also help you become an esports athlete, and you can even expand your Twitch community.