Five Digital Marketing Firms in the Milwaukee Area

The Milwaukee area has a diverse economy, with industries such as manufacturing, health care, publishing, and finance. It is also home to several Fortune 500 companies, including Johnson Controls, Northwestern Mutual, and Manpower. While this region has a number of large corporations, there are plenty of small and midsize businesses that play a vital role in the dynamic of the economy. To help those businesses grow and become more visible, MMAC provides them with a number of advantages.

One of the most important elements of marketing communications is connecting your audience with you across various media. That means creating effective social media accounts, developing web sites, and performing search engine optimization. Here are some of the Milwaukee companies that can assist with these aspects of your business.

THIEL, established in 1981, is a full-service marketing and advertising agency. In addition to its Milwaukee office, the company has locations in Chicago and Indianapolis. Their teams can help with branding, search engine optimization, and pay per click advertising. Additionally, they offer digital strategy and content marketing. They can help you design a website, manage a blog, or build your social media account.

Rocket Clicks, founded in 2008, is a digital marketing company that focuses on conversation rate optimization, organic search, and online advertising. Their team of 40 digital experts in Milwaukee can make sure you reach as many consumers as possible. Using SEO and PPC, the firm helped one of their clients improve sales on twelve websites.

Another company, Supermassive Studios, offers video production, graphic design, and other digital marketing services. A third firm, Lagom Digital, is a small web design and development company. These Milwaukee-based firms have both local and international clients.

Take7 Productions is a video production company that is based in the city. They provide all types of video production, advertising, and branding services. ThisĀ Milwaukee Marketing a Simple Definition includes social media and mobile marketing. However, they are best known for their work with Valpak, which has been a Milwaukee staple since 1968. By using Valpak flyers and coupons, your business can increase its exposure and gain consumers’ attention.

Another company, SERIO Design FX, is a web design and video production firm that serves a variety of industries. As an example, it created a website for a name badge manufacturer. At the same time, it performed a full site audit and revamped the page designs. It is also available to perform email marketing through MailChimp.

Other Milwaukee-based firms, such as Skies Fall, are primarily focused on branding, social media, and video production. Granular, Brew City Marketing, and 2100 Digital are all digital marketing companies that can help your organization. For more information, contact them today.

Lastly, there is Debra Lopez Public Relations, which specializes in designing sleek responsive websites and maintaining existing social media accounts. Their blogs and social media channels keep consumers updated on new products and services. Keeping up-to-date with social media is a great way to ensure your company stays on the cutting edge of technology.